Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday January 12th

Today I went to financial offices to hand in my letter, the women I talked to was very kind and informed me that I was to bring my letter to OSAP when picking it up. That's going to have to wait till tomorrow though, so expect an update in my next post. I am still feeling very anxious, I think its a mixture of what the OSAP people will say, worrying about my success rate in this academic term and even more worrying about the near future (summer job, summer courses, courses for my 4th year).

I've tried looking up some possible internships for the summer. I am personally very interested in the product development side of food science so something to do with food marketing would be right up my alley. Unfortunately it seems that those opportunities tend to be in the states and are usually looking for a food science background or a business background. Neither of which I have.

I really want to find a job that is related to my field however given my poor academic performance and my lackluster resume I feel as though my options are quite limited. Theres a job fair coming up in a couple weeks that I'm thinking of going to. The only problem (because of course there needs to be some sort of conflict) the fair is from 10-3:30 and I have class until 1:30. (I've got a quiz on that day as well...) I do want to try and make it to the fair though, networking with anyone in my field can only benefit me in the long run.

I've decided to drop BioPhysics. Physics is definitely not one of my strong suites and I can see it being a struggle had I decided to continue. While looking at Masters programs I also noticed that there was a minimum of 3 third/fourth year courses required in each semester and had I continued with BioPhysics, that would be another requirement I didn't have! I am now registered in Membrane Biochemistry. A fourth year course (my first one). It is biochemistry which I find incredibly interesting however its once again the process of actually studying it (and staying on top of the workload) which is the problem. Unfortunately the course conflicts with my tutorial, causing me to miss out on the first hour. I'm unsure what this will mean for quizzes and such but it is going to be a pain since the buildings are not close to each other. While checking the course lists today I saw that PoD had 2 open spaces, and i went back and fourth contemplating on taking it. Before I had a set decision the spots were filled and the course went back to being closed once again.

In a way it might have been for the best. Had I taken PoD I would have had 2 days with 2 exams on each day which would have been incredibly stressful. I'm hoping it will be offered DE over the summer so I can get one requirement off of my list *fingers crossed!*

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