Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday January 14th/ Sunday January 15th

I've realized that the days when I think about blogging in the mid-afternoon are the days where I almost forget or forget to blog. I guess whenever I think about blogging I should just go ahead and do it.

Yesterday we went downtown which was fun. There were actually a bunch of people who came over for a pre-drink and to head downtown. My, T, W, S (and friends), M, H, C (and boyfriend), B (and roommates) all decided to come which made for a fun night. Although we got separated almost immediately. We went to the bus stop (where the new bus schedules/routes are messing everyone up!) and 3 busses passed by us. We tried hailing down a cab but these girls kept trying to steal them from us once we got one. Somehow luck was on our side and I ended up getting a cab with S and her friends pretty quickly. Everyone else ended up walking downtown; a 30 minute walk at -18 degrees celsius weather? I don't think so!

We were planning on going to this club that I've never been to before but it was literally dead (we got there around 11:30 or midnight) so we ended up going to a nearby bar which was the most packed I've ever seen it. Such a fun time there, there was a live band playing and lots of drinks. S may or may not be seeing a 32 year old assistant prof at a college near our hometown, she met him here though so he works about an hour away or he was just coming down for the night i'm not too sure. S was trying to get this boy to buy us shots while we were sipping on his beer but that didn't really work out too well and he ended up following us for the rest of the night. We did end up drinking the rest of a random pitcher that was at his table...not one of our best ideas for sure. S and her friends are fun to go out with and I would definitely be up for it again. W and T had a very eventful night on their walk over including running around an apartment building, crashing a birthday party, not being about to get into the bar I was at and jumping over the connecting cut-outs between the two bars.

On a more academic note I also went to an alzheimers symposium that was held. One of the profs I will be having next year randomly sat beside me and we were talking throughout the symposium, I was trying to sound smart but honestly I don't think it went over all that well but I do think that I made a good impression.

Today wasn't all that exciting. Me, W and T pretty much just bummed around for the whole day. We went to all you can eat sushi for a late lunch which satisfied my craving, watching mulan rouge and once upon a time and swapped stories from the night before. Is it a bad thing that i'm already kind of craving tempura? Love that stuff. I didn't get nearly as much school work done as I wanted to this weekend and I still have to apply for jobs etc. so I am going to have to be a busy bee this week.

Not sure if I mentioned this before but my new Sorel boots (winter carnival) while incredibly warm with excellent traction and quite heavy to walk in. However the worst part is that they rub against the back of my ankle causing them to bleed through my socks! This has happened twice already, of course I don't have any band-aids and no one else keeps these things in the cupboard so i'm going to need to go to the store soon and buy some to keep infection out and definitely before I wear them again. I did some google-ing and found that many people have the same issue. I'm going to see if the band-aid helps but I may also try really thick socks, loosening the laces or buying a heal pad to stick to the back of the boot. I honestly don't understand how they are so popular with such a major construction flaw.

Some closing thoughts: my room is a disaster right now in major need of cleaning, after switching one of my courses around to a 4th year biochem course (probably not one of my best ideas) I'm missing the lecture notes from the first 2 classes. I posted on the discussion board 4 days ago and I still haven't gotten a reply. Not too happy about that. I also ordered some cheap moccasins from soft moc. There was a coupon code for today so they came out to $24 including tax! Shipping wasn't free so i'm going to have to pick them up at the mall soon but its all good. Whats kind of annoying is that my sister didn't put them under my email (I don't have a credit card....I really need one) so I wouldn't be getting the points from the purchase. I was getting frantic near the end because it was only a 3 hour sale and I hadn't heard back from her with 30 min to go that I asked my dad for his credit card number. I got this strange second confirmation message that didn't work when I tried to answer it so it was nice that she ended up being able to order them for me. They should come in this week so i'm excited to get them :) Next on my list is a pair of birkenstock clogs and some chocolate uggs, both ordered with coupon codes of course!

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