Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday January 13th

Good news! Went to pick up my OSAP today and the technician (not really sure what to call them) just glanced at my form and that was that! Unfortunately my tuition payment hasn't gone through yet so i'm going to have to go back in on Tuesday but I still feel an overwhelming sense of relief. This is such an ordeal that easily could have been prevented!

I have this roommate, lets call her T. T has been 'on and off' if what they're doing can even be called that with her boyfriend since they first lived in residence 4 years ago. My other roommates and I have only had to deal with this since September (thank goodness!) and the boyfriend situation was one of the reasons why J decided to move out this semester. Anyways T, W and I were watching Inkheart and of course T isn't paying attention to the movie. W hit the nail on the head, unless its something shes seen before and knows she likes she won't pay attention during it and will just think its a bad movie. So we're watching the movie and T goes into her room, changes and then tells us shes leaving to watch a movie...HELLO we are watching a movie right now! The only likely possibility is that it was with the boyfriend and shes definitely 'that' girl that puts her boyfriend in front of her friends. Its happened so many times already that I don't even think I'm surprised anymore, and yet she wants us to be there for her when they break up (for like a day, the record has been 3 hours) and listen to her complain about how this was their biggest fight ever or its done for good.

Thats what she was saying on Tuesday when we all went out for trivia. Seriously just listen to how this went down, shes been ranting about him since we all moved back for the semester saying that shes over him and shes definitely not going to help him this semester and he really messed up this time but shes going to meet him tomorrow. Her reasoning was that he broke her necklace and she wants it back but later on goes to say that they might get back together tomorrow. Seriously?? SERIOUSLY?!?! Its bad enough that you don't see the problem with him being here literally every single day or that hes basically using you in every possible way but to be such a hippocrite and counteract yourself is too much.

I guess this is just the week where T has overly annoyed me because in terms of general housekeeping things I can barely stand her. She always leaves the brita filter empty after she uses it (how hard is it to fill it up...the sink is right next to it!), she never empties the dish rack and if its full (of dry dishes) she will just try to pile her wet ones on top. Take today for example, she slept through her 1 class of the day so was basically at home all day complaining how bored she was and the dish rack was still full of dishes from last night when i got home at 3. I know they were yesturdays dishes because she just left all her dirty ones in the sink... Speaking of dishes she doesn't clean them properly and I mean you can literally still see bits of oil or food on the pans the next day. She never buys toilet paper, paper towel, cleaning supplies etc. but absolutely overuses all of it.

I know this was more of a rant post and thats not exactly what I want my blog to be about but it is always nice to get it out. I'm going to a health studies symposium tomorrow morning (meaning I should really be asleep already) so I'm excited to see how that will go. Also I may (or may not) be running for the exec committee for my major for next year. I feel as though my poor average last semester may be a hinderence but if I can get on the exec panel thats a good leadership role I can put on my resume.

Until tomorrow's update :)

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